Vocal Toning + Sound Bath (2-hour Experience) & Sound Healing with Voice (2-day Immersion)

Hey, Reader,

I had extreme stage fright and very low confidence from childhood into adulthood.

That's not a great combo for someone who loved to sing!

I now know that it came from trauma I received from my family to tell me to stop singing, from my choir teacher embarrassing me in front of other students.

The trauma I was holding came from, not only singing, but also in group settings when other kids laughed at my social studies presentation. And even into adulthood, when I felt I wasn't being heard by my (now ex!) spouse.

Ironically, it was using the voice that helped me overcome my stage fright and gain more confidence!

And, it is vocal toning and humming I now use to control my nervousness as I walk to networking meetings, teach workshops and meet new people.

The Voice is a Powerful Tool!

The voice can facilitate your healing.

The voice can be used to facilitate others' healing.

Let me show you how in the Safe Space of my two events coming up.

I KNOW how hard it is to use the voice!

Gain the confidence you need to move forward in your personal and work life.

Seize these 2 opportunities to experience how the voice can be used for healing!

2-hour Experience: Vocal Toning with a Sound Bath

In the first portion of this event, you will learn and practice a foundational sound healing technique using vocal toning as a natural self-healing technique to improve heart health, get better sleep, and feel happier. Studies show that by vocal toning for just 5 minutes a day will increase the release of nitric oxide, melatonin, and dopamine in your body. This is not a singing lesson. The ability to create a sound with your vocal cords is the only requirement to use these sound vibrations to start improving your health.

The second portion of this event, you will experience a full soundscape of healing vibrations of crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, buffalo drum, gongs, chimes, tuning forks, rattles and voice. A ‘sound bath’ is a holistic approach to self-care and well-being, promoting relaxation, energy balance, and inner harmony.

Get Certified in Sound Healing with the Full Course or Do Just-the-Workshop

Join me for 2 full days of practicing to use the voice for healing self and others!

  • Introduction to working with your Voice
  • Foundations of Sound Healing with your Voice
  • Overview of more advanced techniques with your Voice
  • The 5 main phases of vocal toning
  • Working with mantra and chant
  • How to balance the chakras with your Voice
  • Six Taoist Healing sounds

Early Bird Special (for certification) Ends on July 2nd!

Other upcoming training workshops

CLICK on the image or SCAN the QR code to learn more and register!

Join his is the one if you want to learn all 6 instruments to create amazing sound baths for yourself, friends and family, clients of an existing holistic business!

In Denver area!

If you have already completed a Level 1 Certification and are ready to become a fully certified practitioner (or just get the info via the workshop-only), contact me to see if you qualify for an additional discount!

Want to chat with Molly before signing up?


connect with like-minded people in a sacred space

access to our world-class online learning center

assessment of your workbooks and case studies with personal feedback

… and much more



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If you have any questions, please get in touch with me and I will be happy to support you.

I hope to see you soon!
