September: My Birthday Month (and a special coupon)

September is my Birthday Month!

I am excited to have another birthday on the 24th of this month, and decided to extend my excitement to you by offering a big discount for ALL individual sessions booked by September 30th.

I am offering $24 off of individual sessions (online or in-person)!

For only $99 you get:

  • energy assessment
  • release of any blocked energy
  • release of muscular tension
  • complete relaxation
  • intuitive life coaching

The coupon code is "September". You can book unlimited sessions until September 30th. The sessions can be booked out as far as 3-months.

September Events & Workshops

Sound Bath + Shamanic Healing

Date: Sunday, Sept. 8

Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Location: Aurathentic, 702 Manitou Ave.

Group sound healing sessions are designed to work with both the overall energy of the group as well as for each individual’s intention. We begin the session with setting intentions and using visualization meditation to amplify your intention to be manifested in your life. During the sound healing by Molly, Tiana King works energetically with each person to clear and balance your energies.

Investment: 1.5 hours / $44.44

Full Moon Tea Ceremony with Sound Healing Journey

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 17th

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Location: Aurathentic, 702 Manitou Ave.

A spectacular full moon event—an extraordinary super moon, the Harvest Moon in Pisces! This an excellent time to connect to the roots of your spiritual energy and connect to your intuition. Join Molly and Patricia for a special full moon celebration featuring a sacred tea and sound healing ceremony.

We'll start by relaxing beside a tranquil creek, where you'll receive a sound and energy healing to harmonize your mind, body, and soul. Then, enjoy a sacred tea as you set your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. The evening will conclude with a personal message from spirit to guide your journey.

Investment: 1.5 hours / $33.33

Restorative Yoga with Sound Healing

Date: Friday, Sept. 20th

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Location: Aurathentic, 702 Manitou Ave.

Let go of the week's stress and find inner peace through gentle yoga poses and the soothing sounds of healing instruments. This event is perfect for anyone looking to unwind, relax, and restore balance to mind, body, and soul.

Restorative Yoga is on the floor for most poses. Props such as bolsters and blankets are used to hold the body while you rest in each pose, creating a deeper stretch, more mobility and enhancing inner awareness.

While participants are resting in each pose, healing vibrations of crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes, light gongs, vocal toning, etc, are played. At the end of the session, participants will relax into a mini sound healing journey in savasana.

Investment: 1.5 hours / $35