I was told, "stop singing!"

Hi there, Reader,

I loved to sing. I sang at church, at home, at school.

At some point, I started to have extreme stage fright when I had to sing solo.

Two clear memories come to mind.

1. My high school choir teacher told me to stop singing during class.

2. I overheard that same teacher tell other students that I should not have been awarded the Gold medal at a state choir competition.

Wow wee.

Talk about a loss of confidence when the person who is supposed to be supporting you does not!

Despite these two happenings, I eventually went on to be a voice major in university.

Though it took me until my 4th year of schooling and my private voice teacher to make the audition appointment for me, I graduated with a BA in Music.

But I still couldn't get over my stage fright. Shaking, numbness, tears were all part of walking to the stage.

I went to Japan after graduation to teach English and decided to study traditional Japanese music. Ended up staying 11 years!

During that time, I had a wonderful teacher who pushed me onto the stage and supported me and boosted my ego. With that, I....

  1. Won several regional Japanese folk song competitions
  2. Was the only non-Japanese in a national competition
  3. Sang on NHK (Japanese National Broadcasting) Radio
  4. Sang on NHK TV as a guest for a folk song show
  5. Received a teaching certificate for Japanese folk song
  6. Performed solo concerts
  7. Got my MA in ethnomusicology & wrote my thesis (in Japanese) on Japanese vocal timbre

It isn't necessarily easy, but you, too, with the right support you can overcome your fears!

I want to support you with overcoming your fear of using your voice. I have been there.

I want to support you with releasing your unique voice - singing and speaking!

If you need some support, join my Sound Healing with Voice workshop on August 17 - 18, 9 am - 5 pm each day.

Join like-minded souls who are also on their journeys to step in their true voice!

Let me be your guide and support to bring your unique voice into the world as it was meant to be!

Left: Me in Tokyo, 1996

Right: Me in Colorado, 2024

Sound Healing with Voice Workshop Info

Links are provided on my website to browse my selection of workshops offered through the Sound Healing Academy.

If you have questions about the workshop, please schedule a completely free, no-string attached, no-pressure 20-minute call. Click here to schedule a call and find your clarity.

Looking forward to helping you on your journey!


Student Testimonial:

Molly has a gift for transmuting sound healing as a transformative modality while leaving plenty of space for practitioners to develop a personal relationship with their practice. I am confident she has the capacity to activate the sound healer within anyone, regardless of background or experience. – Jam T.

Molly Adkins
Sound Healing Instructor-Practitioner & Intuitive Life Coach