FLASH SALE! 10% off Aura/Chakra Reading + Sound Healing

FLASH SALE! $10 off! For Sunday, July 27, 9 AM - 11 AM

Chakra and Aura Reading + Sound Healing - Creekside!

Now $65! (Regular $75)

Sound Bath Only is $40!

Sound Bath + Aura & Chakra Reading - Creekside!

Date: Sunday, July 28

Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Location: Aurathentic, 702 Manitou Ave.

You start with an Aura & Chakra Reading using Aurathentic’s state of art technology to get your aura and chakra levels. You then experience an immersive sound bath. After, you remeasure your chakras to understand how critical sound healing can be to your overall wellbeing.

Group sound healing sessions are designed to work with both the overall energy of the group as well as for each individual’s intention. We begin the session with setting intentions and using visualization meditation to amplify your intention to be manifested in your life.

Investment: 2 hours / $75 $65 (sound bath only = $40)

Sound Healing and Rejuvenating Soak!

Date: Monday, July 29

2 Time to Choose From! Almost Full!

  • 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM

Location: SunWater Spa, 514 El Paso Ave.

This unique offering combines the therapeutic benefits of water immersion with the healing vibrations of sound. As you sit in the saline pool at SunWater Spa, you’ll be surrounded by sound vibrations of instruments based on the water element: ocean drum, rain stick, waterfall chimes, and dolphin-sounds produced on a gong, buffalo drum, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls.

Please bring your own towels, meditation cushions, non-glass water bottles, and any other items for your comfort during the session. Swimsuits required for soaking in the pool. Changing rooms are available. Be ready poolside at your start time.

Investment: 60 minutes / $65